Happy Winter Holidays

May you have a wonderful and relaxing winter break. 

We look forward to seeing you Monday, January 6th, 2020.

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December 16th -20th

Click Here To Go To ROS Kindergarten Blog

This Week:

Monday, December 16th -Spirit Week: Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday, December 17th -Spirit Week: Royal Oak Blue
Wednesday, December 18th -Spirit Week: PJ Day
Thursday, December 19th -Spirit Week: Dress up in your 'Festive Best' & Carolling at 11:15 & 1:15
Friday, December 20th - Non-Instructional Day (No Classes)

This Past Week:

This week students continued to develop their understanding of number by engaging in a series of games and hands-on activities where they were challenged to represent numbers using manipulatives, to write numbers symbolically and to express numbers through pictures or images.

We continued to represent numbers in a variety of way on the number line, checking our work carefully for accuracy.



Students were also invited this week to help envision and design a new classroom centre that enabled them to practice reading, representing and interpreting numbers. Students envisioned how the classroom kitchen could be changed into a bakery and had fun playing with numbers as they placed and filled detailed cookie orders with their peers.



Students also continued to develop their understanding of reading and representing numbers by engaging in a variety of math games. One of the new games introduced this week invited students to "roll a snowman".


This week we also continued to practice reading and writing our significant word; SNOW. Students have been learning the letter sound associated with "s" "n' "o" and "w" and have also been practicing printing the upper and lowercase letters. In their Visual Journals this week, students created a SNOW page showcasing their letter work.



We have been working on setting and monitoring learning goals in Kindergarten. Over the last couple of weeks, students have been challenged to create a "play plan" prior to classroom centre time. Students are asked to select a centre that they would like to try that day, share their plan with a classmate before centres and then reflect their progress toward the goal afterward. Play plans are an opportunity for us to be intentional about certain goals we would like to reach or be mindful of in our learning. 


Important Dates Coming Up:

January 6th - First Day Back

Christmas Carols at YMCA on Dec 17

The Royal Oak School Grade Three Winter Choir is pleased to invite you to the Shane Homes YMCA in Rocky Ridge to hear us sing some Christmas Carols!

We will be performing on Tuesday, December 17th at 10:30am, just inside the front doors.

These dedicated Grade Three students have been practicing hard for a month and are very excited to share their seasonal music with our community!  People of all ages will enjoy old classics like Rudolf and Frosty, as well as a few contemporary pieces.

Please consider joining us for some holiday magic and celebrate the joy of the season with our students at the Y!

Ms. Mann

How to Access Digital Report Cards

December 10, 2019

Dear Parents,

We will be moving to online report cards this year. This will help us save much needed money for other uses within the school. At the end of the school day on December 17th, PowerSchool will allow parents to log in and see their child’s report card for this first term (see directions below). Your child’s report card can be printed or saved for later viewing. For those that feel they need a hard copy, please contact the office for this request.

How to Access Digital Report Cards 

  • Sign into your My CBE/PowerSchool at My CBE/PowerSchool Account
  • Click on your child’s name at top of page
  • Click on “Grades and Attendance”
  • Click on “Report Card”  Click on “Report Card – open”
  • Save to pdf or print for your records

December 9 - 13

Click Here To Go To ROS Kindergarten Blog

This Week:

Monday, Dec. 9th - Learning Commons Book Exchange
Tuesday, Dec. 10th -
Wednesday, Dec. 11th -
Thursday, Dec. 12th -
Friday, Dec. 13th - PM Students Attend & Fun Snack (if pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger https://healthyhunger.ca/)

This Past Week:

We were thrilled to attend ATP's production of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" as our first Kindergarten field trip. Students enjoyed the exciting action, costumes and amazing set of the play. As part of our literacy work, students made predictions and then reflected on their favourite parts after the play. It is clear from their detailed drawings and thoughtful reflections that students were inspired by the experience!

In math, students have been exploring how to represent numerals in various ways. Writing, drawing and using manipulatives are all different ways to show numbers. Using a number line, students represented quantities up to ten and practiced saying the sequence from 0 to 10 and 10 to 0.

As part of our literacy letter learning around our significant word SNOW, students have explored creating snowflakes using different mediums.

Then, spray the tissue with water (must be bleeding tissue paper, for those wanting to try at home!)

Finished Product - WOW!

Important Information

Image result for report cards

Report Cards
We will be moving to online report cards this year.  This will help us save much needed money for other uses within the school.  At the end of the day on December 17th, PowerSchool will allow parents to log in and see their child’s report card for this first term (see directions below).  Your child’s report card can be printed or saved for later viewing.  For those that feel they need a hard copy, please contact the office for this request.   How to Access Digital Report Cards

Sign into your My CBE/PowerSchool at My CBE/PowerSchool Account
§ Click on your child’s name at top of page
§ Click on “Grades and Attendance
§ Click on “Report Card”
§ Click on “Report Card  open”
§ Save to pdf or print for your records

Important Dates Coming Up:

-December 16th -Spirit Week: Crazy Hair Day
-December 17th -Spirit Week: Royal Oak Blue
-December 18th -Spirit Week: PJ Day
-December 19th -Spirit Week: Dress up in your 'Festive Best' & Carolling at 11:15 & 1:15
-December 19th - Last day of classes before Winter Break
-December 20th - Non-Instructional Day (No Classes)
-January 6th, 2020 - First Day Back