Learning From Home Week 4 | April 27th - May 1st

Kindergarten Weekly Learning Plan
April 27th - May 1st

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Welcome to Week 4 of at Home Learning!

This week, we are going to soft launch our Google Classroom. Google Classroom provides a central hub for students to access lessons, upload assignments and receive teacher feedback. This will let students and families have access to all Kindergarten learning and communication from the same place.

We encourage families to explore Google Classroom and attempt to upload their assignments on the platform. However, if needed, we will be accepting student work through emails this week as we make this transition.  

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we navigate how to best support our learners.

Please see the following video for navigating Google Classroom:

Opening Comments
Assignments to be handed in via Google Classroom (or email if needed) to your teacher:
·      3 Pictures of Making Ten
·      3D Monster Picture

Learning Objectives/ I Can Statements / Areas of Focus
·      I can write letters and identify their sounds.
·      I can represent numbers in various ways.
·      I can identify ways to make ten.
·      I can identify 3-D objects.

Listen to the weekly read aloud from your teacher (Approx. 30 minutes)

Assigned Learning Tasks
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal.
Wellness & Play
Significant Word: Give
(Approx. 10 minutes/day)

Introduce the new significant word “Give”. Practice listening for each of the letter sounds in the word.

Practice writing the word in both upper and lower-case letters.
·      What does it mean to give?
·      How do you give to others?

Representing Numbers
to Ten
(Approx. 30 minutes)

Pick a number between 5-10 and create different ways to show that number.

Ideas of how we can show our numbers. For example:
·      Write the numeral: 6
·      Write the word name: six
·      Draw a specific amount of objects
·      Make a Math Story: 4 and 2 make 6
·      Make a number line and circle your number

Gather Evidence of Spring
(Approx. 30 minutes)

Go on a nature walk with your family and gather (look for) evidence of spring.

·      What do you see, hear, smell and feel that tells you it is no longer winter?

You could photograph the evidence that you gather, do a variety of drawings or collect real artifacts.
Letter G Scavenger Hunt
(Approx. 30 minutes)

Find 5 things in your home that start with the letter G. Draw each item and label it with kid printing. Remember to stretch out the word to hear the letter sounds.

To extend your learning, try to copy a simple sentence when describing your object.

It is a goose.
It is a ______.

Making Ten
(Approx. 30 minutes)

What numbers make ten? Create your ten-frame.
·       Roll a die. Write the number down and fill in your ten-frame.
·       Count – how many more to make ten? Write the number down and fill in your ten-frame with a different object.  
·       Say the number sentence (i.e. Five and five make ten)

Success Criteria:
·      I can make different combinations of 10

Assessment: Send 3 pictures to your teacher of how you made ten using the ten-frame.

I Spy – Colour & Shapes
(Approx. 20 minutes)

With a family member, play eye spy. Silently select an object in your house or outside. Say to your family member “I spy something that is...”

Try using colours and shapes to describe the objects in your home.

·      I spy something that is red
·      I spy something that is a circle
·      I spy something that is a green triangle
·      I spy a 3-D object that is blue

Show and Share Presentation
(Approx. 30 minutes)

During our Google Meet on Tuesday, April 28th, share two of the objects you found in your home that begin with the letter G.

You could share the real objects or drawings of those items.

Create a Monster using
3-D Objects
(Approx. 30 minutes)

Search and find 3-D objects. (You may want to use the ones you found a couple of weeks ago.) Using these objects build a unique monster.

Assessment: We will be making a class collage with our monsters. Please submit your photo to your child’s teacher. We can’t wait to see all these creations together!
Silly Animal Walks
(Approx. 15 minutes)

Be creative and come up with silly ways to walk like different animals, or follow along with the video:

Optional Learning Tasks
     Phys Ed - Please visit Ms. Hennick’s Blog for physical education activities.

Music – Please visit Ms. Mann’s Music Blog for a variety of great music activities.

Closing Comments
·       Please submit 3 photos to your teacher of how you made ten using a Ten Frame and your 3D Monster picture by Sunday, May 3rd. Please use Google Classroom to submit these assignments.

·      Please do not hesitate to be in touch with your classroom teacher by email should you have any questions about the weekly learning plan or for general support.

·      Teacher emails:
o   Courtney Sticksl: costicksl@cbe.ab.ca
o   Melissa Bernard-Dixon: mjbernarddixon@cbe.ab.ca
o   Kari Sirup: kasirup@cbe.ab.ca


Learning From Home Week 3 | April 20th -24th

Kindergarten Weekly Learning Plan
April 20th -24th

Opening Comments
Google Meet on Tuesday, April 21st: Show and Share Time (see below for explanation) 
  • AM Kindergarten will have their meeting at 11 AM. 
  • PM Kindergarten will have their meeting at 2 PM. 
There is no need to log in early from this point forward. Please sign in at 11 or 2 for your session. 

Assignments to be handed in via email to your teacher: 
  • ‘at’ Rhyming Poem Drawing  
Learning Objectives / I Can Statements / Areas of Focus 
  • I can find words that rhyme. 
  • I can share my ideas through speaking. 
  • I can write recognizable letters and identify their sounds. 
  • I can use a ten-frame to represent numbers. 
  • I can count to ten. 
Watch these videos from your teacher 

Assigned Learning Tasks 
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal. 
Wellness & Play (Optional) 
‘at’ Rhyming Poem 
(Approx. 30 min) 

Please click on link to follow lesson. Lesson Recording | Click Here  
  • Ask a family member to read to you the poem My Fat Cat Pat Click Here 
  • Point to the 'at' words.  
  • How many did we find? 
  • Say the letters in the 'at' words. 
  • Draw the cat on the mat. 
  • Label the picture. 
Success Criteria:  
  • I can find ‘at’ words 
  • I can label my work with ‘at’ words 
  • I can use lowercase letters  
Assessment: Send a picture of your drawing with word labels.  
Fill It Up 
(Approx. 20 min) 

How many small containers of water will it take to fill up the big container?  

You can conduct this experiment in your kitchen sink or even in the bathtub. 

  • Choose a small and large container.  
  • Make an estimate of how many small containers it will take to fill up the large container.  
  • Fill up the larger container and keep track of how many small containers you needed? 
  • Try to use a variety of different sizes of containers.  
Story Time 
(Approx. 30 min) 

Cozy up with one of your favourite books and read it with family member.  

If possible, use a flashlight to try to spot words that rhyme with ‘at.’ 
Show and Share Presentation 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

For our next Google Meet on April 21st, we are going to show and share our favourite toys.  

To prepare, find your favourite toy and talk to your family members about what it is, and why it is your favourite. 

  • AM Kindergarten Meeting Time: 11 AM 

  • PM Kindergarten Meeting Time: 2 PM 

Ten-Frame Game 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

Create a ten-frame or use the one you created last week: 

  • Roll a die. What number did you get? Say it out loud.  
  • Fill your ten-frame with the number of objects you rolled. For example, if you rolled a 6, place 6 objects in your ten-frame. 
  • Practice writing the number. 
  • Play this game 10 times. 
Loose Parts or Found Objects Maze 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

Using your imagination, build a maze using loose parts or found objects from your house.  
Your creations could be: 
  • A small maze for a marble to roll through 
  • A medium maze for a soccer ball to roll through  
  • A larger maze for you to walk through 
Invite other family members to explore this maze. 
Letter Practice 
(Approx. 20 minutes) 

Did you know that sfar, we have learned about the following letters? 
A C D E F I K L M N  
O P Q R S T U W Y  
Choose 5 of the above letters and practice: 
  • Making these letters both upper and lowercase 
  • Saying their names and sounds 
  • Drawing a picture to go with them. 
For Example: 
F says f f f (insert sound) 
F is for fox. 
How Many? 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

Choose 5 different items in your house and count them. (Examples: Pillows, chairs, stuffed toys). 

Record how many you have of each item by writing the numeral 

Get a Workout 
(Approx. 5 minutes/day) 

Join in with Jack Hartmann to strengthen alphabet recognition, letter formation skills and your fitness.   

Follow instructions for writing the lowercase letters to develop the exercise movements and verbal letter formation directions. 

Optional Learning Tasks 
Phys Ed - Please visit Ms. Hennick’s Blog for physical education activities.  

Music – Please visit Ms. Mann’s Music Blog for a variety of great music activities.  

Closing Comments  
  • Please submit a photo of your ‘at’ Rhyming Labelled Drawing to your child’s teacher via email by Sunday, April 26th. Please put your child’s name as the subject heading.  
  • Please do not hesitate to be in touch with your classroom teacher by email should you have any questions about the weekly learning plan or for general support.
  • Teacher emails: