Learning at Home Week 1 | April 6th - 10th

Hello Kindergarten Families, 

As you know, we have been given guidelines from Alberta Education that mandates we provide 5 hours of schoolwork per week focused on literacy and math. We also hope to offer some optional activities that you might consider having a look at towards the bottom of the template.  Each week we also hope that you will be able to determine a schedule that works best for your family. We ask that you please be patient with this process as we all know technology can be a bit bumpy at times. Thank you for all you are doing to support your child with their learning at home. We appreciate all that you do! 

Kindergarten Weekly Learning Plan
April 6th - 10th

Opening Comments 
Assignments to be handed in via email to your teacher: 
  • Care Journal Page 
Learning Objectives/ I Can Statements/Areas of Focus 
  • I can express my ideas through speaking, drawing and writing letters 
  • I can connect letters and their sounds 
  • I can form recognizable letters  
  • I can sort 3-D Shapes 
  • I can subitize (Subitizing is the ability to quickly identify the number of items in a small set without counting.) 
Listen to the weekly read aloud from your teacher (Approx. 30 minutes) 
Please feel free to listen to all three stories! 

Assigned Learning Tasks 
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal. 
Wellness & Play
Care Journal Page
(Approx. 30 min)

Have a discussion with your family about the things you do to take care of yourself and others.
Draw and colour two
1.     How are you caring for yourself?
2.     How are you caring for others?
Assessment: Please take a photograph of your finished work and email it to your teacher.

3D Shapes
(Approx. 30 min)

Listen to the 3D shape song:
Go on a 3D shape hunt in your home. Find the following shapes: cube, cone, sphere, cylinder.

·      Count each item. How many 3D shapes did you find?
·      Which shapes roll? Which shapes do not roll?
Layered Listening Walk
(Approx. 20 min)

On your daily walk, find a quiet place to stop and listen for a few minutes. Try to be still and refrain from speaking so that you can listen deeply to the sounds around you.

·      What do you hear? Can you describe the sounds?
·      How do you feel as you listen carefully?
Build the Word!
(Approx. 20 min)

Using found objects in your house build the word Care.

Ideas of items: cans, socks, crayons, toys, Lego, etc.
Please help put all the items away when you are finished.
Shapes in the Bag
(Approx. 30 min)

Place a variety of shapes in a bag. These could be the shapes from your shape hunt, or new ones.
Reach into the bag and choose one of the shapes to describe. With your eyes closed, explore the shape with your hands and try to reason what shape it is.
·      Why do you think it could be a ___?
Complete this activity with each of the shapes describing their characteristics.
Take a Break with Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure
(Approx. 20 min)

Join in the story about being kind. Mr. Hoppit, the Hare wants to stop the other animals coming into his fields, but soon learns that life is richer when you make everyone feel welcome!

Letter Hunt
(Approx. 30 min)

Find 5 things in your house that start with the letter C. Draw each item and label it. Try to spell with as many of the letters that you can hear. Remember to stretch out the word to hear the letter sounds.
Snap with Dice
(Approx. 30 min)

Find someone to play with. Each player has a die. Roll the die and both players say the number as quickly as possible. The player with the larger numbers gets a point. Play until someone gets to ten.
(Approx. 30 min)

Read one of your favourite stories. Create puppets or use toys in your home to use as characters. Retell the story with members of your family.

Optional Learning Tasks 
Phys Ed - Please visit Ms. Hennick’s Blog for physical education activities.  

Music – Please visit Ms. Mann’s Music Blog for a variety of great music activities.  

Closing Comments 
  • This week, please try practicing logging into your Gmail account, using the username and password your teacher sent you. This email will later be used for Google Meet and Google Classroom. Please let us know if you have any issues 

  • Please submit a photo of your Care Journal Page by Friday, April 10th via email. Please put your child’s name and assignment name in email subject.

  • Please do not hesitate to be in touch with your classroom teacher by email should you have any questions about the weekly learning plan or for general support.

  • Teacher emails: