Learning at Home April 2nd-3rd

Hello Kindergarten families,

We wanted to give you a sense of what our online learning will look like going forward. Each week, we will be providing the following template that includes opening comments, assigned learning tasks, optional learning tasks and closing comments. 

This week, we have included a few short tasks for you to complete and to help you become familiar with our learning template. 

Thank you for your communications this week. Your emails and pictures make our day and help keep our connections strong. We miss you all!

Kindergarten Team Plans
Dates: April 2nd and April 3rd
Opening Comments 
Learning Objectives/ I Can Statements/Areas of Focus 

  • I can listen to a story, and discuss the events and answer questions related to it
  • I can count and create number sets. 
  • I can talk about my thoughts and feelings about learning at home.

Assigned Learning Tasks 
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal. 
Wellness & Play 
Listen to a story

Listen to a story online or read by a family member. Talk about your favourite part of the story.

Draw a picture of your favourite part. Include the setting (where the story takes place) and characters (who is in the story) in your picture.

Creating Number Sets

Create a variety of number sets with objects found outside and inside your home. Start by giving your child a numeral (either say it or write it). Your child will go find the number of objects to match the numeral. For example, if you say 5, your child would make a group of 5 pinecones.

Have your child draw and label each of their number sets. Try to represent 1-10. 
Social Story
(See below)
Learning at home and online is a big change that can be tricky to understand. We are excited to begin this adventure with you. 

Please read the social story below and talk to your family members about your thoughts and feelings about learning at home.  

You may decide to use this resource as a daily schedule for your child to help maintain routine in your home.

Optional Learning Tasks 
  • Phys Ed - Please visit Ms. Hennick’s Blog for physical education activities.  

  • Music – Please visit Ms. Mann’s Music Blog for a variety of great music activities.  

Closing Comments 
  • Please do not hesitate to be in touch with your classroom teacher by email should you have any questions about the weekly learning plan or for general support. 
  • Teacher emails: 
    • Courtney Sticksl: costicksl@cbe.ab.ca 
    • Melissa Bernard-Dixon: mjbernarddixon@cbe.ab.ca 
    • Kari Sirup: kasirup@cbe.ab.ca 

Social Story