Learning from Home Week 5 | May 4th - 8th

Kindergarten Weekly Learning Plan
May 4th - 8th

Hello Kindergarten Families, 

Thank you for signing into Google Classroom this week. This will be the place to access the learning plan and submit assignments.  

If you haven’t done so already, please see the following video for navigating Google Classroom:  

Opening Comments 
Assignments to be handed in via Google Classroom to your teacher: 
  • Literacy: ‘Give’ Acrostic Poem  
  • Math: Compare Your Shadows   
Learning Objectives / I Can Statements / Areas of Focus 
  • I can identify letters and their sounds. 
  • I can stretch out words and write them using lowercase letters. 
  • I can identify which number is greater. 
  • I can compare longer and shorter shadows. 
  • I can find number combinations to make ten.  

Listen to the weekly read aloud from your teacher (Approx. 30 minutes) 
Please feel free to listen to all three stories! 

Assigned Learning Tasks 
Please complete the following tasks in any order. An hour of learning a day is optimal. 
Wellness & Play 
Give Acrostic Poem 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

Watch the lesson video. Create an acrostic poem for the word ‘Give’. For each letter, write one word that begins with that letter. Draw a picture to go along with your words 

Success Criteria:  
  • I can identify 1 word for each letter. 
  • I can stretch out my words and write them using kid printing. 
  • I can use lowercase letters 
  • I can use details and colour my pictures neatly. 

Assessment: Submit your acrostic poem on Google Classroom. 
Building Towers 
(Approx. 15 minutes/day) 

This game is played with a partner, a set of dice and blocks or anything that can be stacked to build a tower. 
Each partner rolls a die. Whoever has the greatest number gets to place a block on their tower. 

Build your towers 
until one falls over!  

  • How many blocks did it take to topple your tower?   

Show and Share Presentation 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

During our Google Meet on Tuesday, May 5thwe will be going on a 3D Shape Scavenger Hunt. 

The teacher will call out a 3D shape, and students will try to find them in their homes. 

We will search for the following 3D Shapes: 
  • Cube 
  • Sphere 
  • Cylinder 
  • Pyramid 
  • Rectangular Prism 


Alphabet Hunt 
(Approx. 30 min) 

Write 5-10 letters on sticky notes and place them on the walls around your house.  
Say a letter and have your child run and touch the letter and say its name and its sound. If letters are too easy, use our significant words.   

No sticky notes? Cut up a piece of paper and put the letters on surfaces in your house. 

Compare Your Shadows 
(Approx. 20 min) 

Go out for a walk and have a look at your shadows. Have a discussion of who has the longest or shortest shadow. 

Look at other objects outside, like a tree and compare their shadows. 

For example: 
  • My shadow is shorter than my brother’s shadow. 
  • My mom’s shadow is longer than my shadow. 

Assessment: Submit your family shadow photo on Google Classroom. 
The Singing Walrus 
(Approx. 30 min) 

Join in and be active. Listen to the Singing Walrus song and then can you think of other actions you can do, to add to this song. 

  • I can sing. 
  • I can dance. 
  • I can _________. 
  • I can _________. 

Story Response 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

Listen to the stories by the Kindergarten teachers.  

Select one story and draw a picture of your favourite part. 

When drawing your picture follow the steps of using shapes, adding details and colouring neatly.  

Copy the sentence: 
  • I liked when ____ 

Making Ten:  
Concentration Game 
(Approx. 15 minutes/day) 

Make number cards 0-10 and then make a second 5 card. You will have 12 cards in total. Be sure to write the numeral on each card AND represent the number by drawing dots, hearts, or shapes. You can also use this template for your cards if you like.  

Place your cards face down. Turn over one card and then another, trying to find a pair that makes ten. If your cards make ten, keep the pair! If your cards don’t make ten, turn the cards back over and try for another combination.  
Giving to Others 
(Approx. 30 minutes) 

Giving to others is a great way to spread kindness in your home. Create a card or a picture for someone in your family.  

To (Name of family member), 

I like you because _____. 

    (Your Name) 

Optional Learning Tasks 

Closing Comments 
  • Please submit your ‘Give’ Acrostic Poem and Shadow Picture through Google Classroom.  
  • Please do not hesitate to be in touch with your classroom teacher by email should you have any questions about the weekly learning plan or for general support. 
  • Teacher emails: