This Week:
Monday, Sept. 23rd:
Tuesday, Sept. 24th: Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, Sept. 25th:
Thursday, Sept. 26th:
This Past Week:
This week we participated in Safety week! During Safety Week, we learn about routines and procedures to keep us safe, just in case. Our morning classes practiced our first evacuation to William D. Pratt. Our afternoon classes practiced a fire drill and a lockdown practice.
In mathematics, students continue to practice sorting items by various attributes including size, shape and colour. We are beginning to challenge our thinking by sorting unusual items. Sorting items with attributes that are not immediately obvious allows students to think outside the box. You could try this at home by sorting items in a drawer or found items on a nature walk.
"I think I will sort by colour for these. What coin is this?" (It was a penny ;) )
"I think I am going to make a pile of 7s. I guess that is sorting by the number."
"We are working together really well."
Thank you to all families for attending the Student Centered Conferences this week. We truly enjoyed learning more about each student and how we can best make their year in Kindergarten full of learning and wonder!
Student eyesight is essential for learning. Please visit the following links for information regarding how to access resources to receive eye testing and glasses free of cost.
Important Dates Coming Up:
-October 4th - PM Students Attend
-October 11th - Non-instruction day (NO School K-Gr. 3)
-October 14th - Thanksgiving Day (NO School K-Gr. 3)
-October 18th - AM Students Attend
-October 25th - PM Students Attend
-October 11th - Non-instruction day (NO School K-Gr. 3)
-October 14th - Thanksgiving Day (NO School K-Gr. 3)
-October 18th - AM Students Attend
-October 25th - PM Students Attend