January 13 - 17

This Week:

Monday, January 13th - Artist in Residence Lesson (Sticksl PM & Dixon PM), Book Exchange, & School Council / Fundraising Meeting 6:30 PM

Tuesday, January 14th - Artist in Residence Lesson (Sticksl AM & Dixon AM)

Wednesday, January 15th - Artist in Residence Lesson (Sirup PM)

Thursday, January 16th - Artist in Residence Lesson (Sirup PM)

Friday, January 17th - PM Students Attend

This Past Week:

It was great to welcome students back to the classroom this week to connect with friends and share stories of how we spent the Winter Break. On our first day back, students had an opportunity to represent one of their favourite moments from the break in their Visual Journals. We are working on being more descriptive in our written work by including information such as who we were with and where we were, in order to extend our ideas. In addition, we are challenging ourselves to add detail to our drawings to help tell the story. 

"I enjoyed building a snowman with
my family and watching the Frozen II
movie with Ayla."
"I enjoyed skating at the Y with my Auntie."

"I enjoyed spending Christmas at Grandma
Darla's house."

         "I enjoyed opening presents with my Mom and
             Dad and sister."            

This week we starting exploring Patterns. We have discussed what makes a pattern and we are finding patterns in our everyday lives. During the next few weeks, we will take up the work of learning how to recognize and create patterns using objects, sounds and actions.

"Learning to work with patterns helps children develop mathematical reasoning, which is foundational for later success in mathematics. "

-Kindergarten Program of Statement

While continuing to build community in our classroom and school, we have been discussing how we can be kind to each other. In our journal this week, we practiced forming the upper and lower case letters in the word "Kind" and then drew pictures representing kindness. As part of our learning, we also read the story, "Be Kind" by Pat Zietlow Miller. 


As a part of our literacy learning, students have been engaged in listening to stories during class read aloud. While reading, students were asked to pay attention to different story elements including characters (Who?), setting (Where?), and the problem (What?). We read three different stories together, and made connections and comparisons between them. Analyzing and comparing stories are strong comprehension strategies that help Kindergarten students build important reading skills. This strategy is known as making "text to text connections."

As students listened to these stories, they found many different stories elements that were similar! In all of the stories, an animal was lost in the snow. Later this month, we will work on creating our own 'lost in the snow' stories!


Important Dates Coming Up:

January - Gymnastics during Gym Time with Ms. Hennick
January 20th - Kindergarten Registration Begins for 2020-2021
January 24th - AM Students Attend
January 24th - Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger https://healthyhunger.ca/)
January 27th - Family Literacy Day – Cuddle Up and Read
January 31st - Non-Instructional Day (NO School)
February 6th - Kindergarten Celebration of Learning, 6 pm - Save the date (More information coming soon!)
February 7th  - PM Students Attend
February 7th - Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger https://healthyhunger.ca/)