February 3rd - 7th

This Week:

Monday, February 3rd - Book Exchange
Tuesday, February 4th - Family Evening Skating Event 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, February 5th -
Thursday, February 6th - Kindergarten Celebration of Learning (Please arrive at 5:45 PM)
Friday, February 7th - PM Students Attend & Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger https://healthyhunger.ca/)

This Past Week:

This week we have been busily preparing for our Celebration of Learning next week. At our celebration we will be presenting our "Lost in the Snow" stories. 

Through our work with our Artist in Residence, students developed setting backdrops for their stories. In the process of creating their final piece, students needed to make several artistic decisions to represent their setting. The made decisions about colour composition, snowflake design and placement to create their work.

Students have spent time developing their stories and are enjoying spending time celebrating their stories and giving each other feedback to make them stronger. Through oral sharing and peer conversations. Using a story plan, students made careful decisions about how their character got lost, what they did when they were lost and how they were found. 

Students also spent time creating masks to represent their character. Our work with Sharon will serve as a backdrop for telling their story, using their masks to help them imagine themselves in the story. 


 Our current significant word connects to our mathematics curriculum. Can you identify each letter in our word? What sound does it make?

In our next learning tasks, students will be exploring how to describe patterns in the world around us. Where can you find a pattern in your daily life? 

Important Dates Coming Up:

February 10th - School Council/ Fundraising Meeting 6:30 PM
February 12th - wear pink and/or red or Royal Oak Blue for Valentine's Day
February 13th -Teachers' Conventions (No School)
February 14th -Teachers' Conventions (No School)
February 17th - Family Day (No School)
February 21st  - AM Students Attend
February 21st - Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger https://healthyhunger.ca/)
February 25th - Everygreen Theatre 9:30 AM (In-School Presentation)
February 26th - National Pink Shirt Day
February 28th  - PM Students Attend