This Week:
Monday, February 10th - Book Exchange & School Council/ Fundraising Meeting 6:30 PM
Tuesday, February 11th -
Wednesday, February 12th -Wear pink and/or red or Royal Oak Blue for Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 13th - Teachers' Conventions (No School)
Friday, February 14th - Teachers' Conventions (No School)
February 17th - Family Day (No School)
February 17th - Family Day (No School)
This Past Week:
Thank you to our wonderful families for attending the Kindergarten Celebration of Learning!
Valentine's Day Information
Your child is welcome to bring in valentines to hand out to their classmates if this is something they are interested in doing. If your child chooses to bring in valentines, I have a couple small requests:
- Organizing the handing-out of these things can be a bit difficult. To simplify the process, I am asking that students sign their valentines with their own name, but leave the "To" part blank. Or write, To: My friend. We have 20 children in each class.
- We have spent a great deal of time learning to write our names with lower case letters, using a capital only at the beginning. As your child will be writing their name many, many times, please encourage them to write their name this way.
- Due to student allergies, I request that students not bring in food treats for each other. If you are interested in sending in something extra, pencils, stickers or any other non-food treat is welcome (but not necessary!)
Important Dates Coming Up:
February 21st - AM Students Attend
February 21st - Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger
February 21st - Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger
February 25th - Everygreen Theatre 9:30 AM (In-School Presentation)
February 26th - National Pink Shirt Day
February 28th - PM Students Attend
February 26th - National Pink Shirt Day
February 28th - PM Students Attend