Feb 24 - Feb 28

This Week:

Monday, February 24th - Book Exchange
Tuesday, February 25th - Everygreen Theatre 9:30 AM (In-School Presentation)
Wednesday, February 26th - National Pink Shirt Day
Thursday, February 27th - 
Friday, February 28th - PM Students Attend

This Past Week:

In Mathematics this week, we have been exploring the patterns we see in our world. As part of our inquiry into patterns, students will be exploring various art forms.

Talking with our math partners to build our math vocabulary and reasoning. "Is this a pattern? Why? Why not?"

As part of our investigation of pattern, we read the beautiful picture book Grandma's Necklaces, by Catherine Twomey Fosnot. The story is filled with various complex and simple patterns and served as a wonderful invitation for students to begin developing their own necklace pattern. 
We began this process by exploring a variety of manipulatives to inspire ideas and then sketched out our initial pattern ideas on whiteboards. 


Planning our own necklaces using patterns. 

In our literacy work over the past couple of weeks, students have been exploring all of the letters in the word "pattern". This week, students created a page in their visual journal to demonstrate their printing skills, printing PATTERN in both upper and lower case letters. 


In Physical Education, students continue to develop their hand eye coordination by playing Badminton and Scoop Ball. Working in pairs, students have improved their skills by passing a balloon back and forth, in place of a birdie. Students have had so much fun watching their racket skills improve while having a great time with a partner!

Important Dates Coming Up:

March 6th - AM Students Attend
March 9th - School Council / Fundraising Meeting 6:30 PM
March 13th - PM Students Attend & Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger https://healthyhunger.ca/)
March 19th - NO School for Kindergarten Students for Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 20th - NO School for K-3 for Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 23rd - 27th - NO School for Spring Break
Image result for spring break clip art
Coming Soon