This Week:
Monday, January 20th - Artist in Residence Lesson (Dixon
PM & Sticksl PM), Book Exchange & Kindergarten Registration
Begins for 2020-2021
Tuesday, January 21st - Artist in Residence Lesson (Sticksl AM & Dixon AM)
Wednesday, January 22nd - Artist in Residence Lesson (Dixon AM & Sticksl AM)
Thursday, January 23rd - Artist in Residence Lesson (Sticksl PM & Dixon PM), Scholastic Orders Due
Friday, January 24th - AM Students Attend & Fun
Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger
This Past Week:
This past week we began the story writing process by generating ideas to create our own stories. We started by looking at the story element of setting (where the story takes place). Students designed their setting by first painting an icy blue background to represent the snow. Then, students drew their location on top. Students created many creative snowy settings including forests, fields, farmland, cities, and playgrounds!
As part of our story writing inquiry, we also welcomed our Artist in Residence, Sharon Fortowsky, to our school! She will be involved in helping students make their settings come alive by creating large artistic pieces on fabric.
During Centre time, students have been exploring a variety
of literacy activities that continue to deepen their understanding of the
elements essential to a good story. By engaging in puppetry, students are working
with characters, a problem, and setting in order to tell a playful story for
their peers.
Students have also been deeply engaged in the creation of mini-books
as they write their very own snow stories.
In Physical Education students are excited
about Gymnastics! Climbing on the equipment is a highlight for many as they
develop balance, strength and coordination.
Important Dates Coming Up:
- Gymnastics during Gym Time with Ms. Hennick
January 23rd - Scholastic Book Orders Due
January 23rd - Scholastic Book Orders Due
27th - Family Literacy Day – Cuddle Up and Read (wear pajamas, bring a
stuffy and a favourite book to share with a friend
31st - Non-Instructional Day (No School)
February 6th - Kindergarten Celebration of Learning, 6 PM -
Save the date (More information coming soon!)
7th - PM Students Attend
7th - Fun Snack (Pre-ordered through Healthy Hunger
10th - School Council/ Fundraising Meeting 6:30 PM
13th -Teachers' Conventions (No School)
14th -Teachers' Conventions (No School)
17th - Family Day (No School)
February 21st - AM Students Attend
February 28th - PM Students Attend