October 14 - 18

This Week:

Monday, October 14th: Thanksgiving Day (NO School K-Gr. 3)
Tuesday, October 15th: Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, October 16th: 
Friday, October 18th: AM Students Attend & Fun Snack

This Past Week:

This past week we continued to think like scientists. To learn about the scientific process, students listened to the story Ada Twist, Scientist to identify what a good scientist does:

Video: Ada Twist, Scientist 

Students learned that good scientists, observe (look closely), ask questions and document their findings. To practice these scientific skills, students each chose one leaf to examine more closely and document as evidence of fall. 

Students determined the shape of their leaf and what type of edges (margin) their leaf had. After drawing the basic shape , students added the  details by drawing veins. 

Does your leaf have smooth, toothed or lobed edges?

Once the contour pencil drawings were complete, students carefully studied the array of colours and texture within their leaves. Working with fine liner and watercolour pencil crayons, they added the vivid detail that brought their autumn leaves to life. 

Our Families

"In Kindergarten, children will explore who they are in relation to others in their world. They will be given opportunities to become aware of who they are as unique individuals and to express themselves by sharing their personal stories." - Kindergarten Program Statement

Students have continued to explore what makes them unique, and what makes them belong. To begin learning about themselves, students are examining what makes them special as part of a family.  What makes your family unique?

The Family Book - Todd Parr

Learning Letters through Significant Words

In Kindergarten, children begin to make connections among sounds, letters, words, pictures and meaning. For the past week, students have been learning about the letters in the word family Students have been learning about the letter sounds, building the letter with block and are now beginning to practice writing each letter on whiteboards.

Important Dates Coming Up:
-October 25th - PM Students Attend
-October 30th - Photo Re-take Day
-October 31st - Dress up for Halloween!
-November 1st - Non-Instructional Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 8th - Non-Instructional Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 11th - Remembrance Day (No School K-Gr 3)