October 21 - 25

This Week:

Monday, October 21st: Scholastic Book Orders Due & Election Day
Tuesday, October 22nd: Learning Commons Book Exchange
Wednesday, October 23rd:
Thursday, October 24th:
Friday, October 25th: PM Students Attend

This Past Week:

Exploring our significant word: FAMILY

This past week students continued to work with the evidence of seasonal change they have been gathering to investigate why leaves change colour. Inspired by Ada Twist, Scientist, we embarked on a journey to explore our question further through experimentation. 

Using coffee filters and chromatography paper, students examined the pigment found in leaf samples taken from five different tree species. Students made careful observations throughout the chromatography experiment, describing what they saw after two hours and after 24 hours. 

The chromatography paper revealed that the beautiful yellows and oranges we see in fall are always present, even when the leaves are green. We also learned that the green we typically see in tree leaves is chlorophyll, or food, that the tree absorbs before it drops its leaves.

Song: Why do Leaves Change Colour?

As part of our inquiry around why leaves change colour, students looked at the skills, processes and tools needed for scientific work. Students made observations about science labs and experimentation in order to plan and build a scientific play centre in our classrooms.

Thank you to the families who attended our Disciplinary Literacy night on Thursday. 
Our Kindergarten classrooms featured the work we have been doing surrounding "Thinking like a Scientist."

The Process of a Scientist

Making Observations and Drawing our findings

Documenting our Findings

Look Closely... what do you see?

Making Observations... What do you see?

Experimentation - Paper Chromatography 
Research and Hypothesis

EDC Exploration Bins - Evidence of Fall

Documentation and Display

Important Dates Coming Up:

-October 30th - Photo Re-take Day
-October 31st - Dress up for Halloween!
-November 1st - Non-Instructional Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 8th - Non-Instructional Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 11th - Remembrance Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 15th - AM Students Attend
-November 21st & 22nd - Student-Centred Conferences (NO School)
-November 29th - PM Students Attend