October 28 - November 1st

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This Week:

Monday, October 28th - Email your teacher if you would like your child to have retakes
Tuesday, October 29th - Learning Commons (Book Exchange)
Wednesday, October 30th - Photo Re-take Day
Thursday, October 31st - Dress up for Halloween!
Friday, November 1st - Non-Instructional Day (No School K-Gr 3)

This Past Week:

This week we continued to explore the concept of family by discussing and representing our respective families in our visual journals. Students discussed who is in their family, shared their thinking with classmates and brainstormed what details they might include in a drawing to produce a realistic family portrait. Paying attention to size, shape and detail, students took their time to create a family portrait. 

As part of our learning about our significant word FAMILY students went on a scavenger hunt for items in our classroom and school beginning with  the letters F and A. Students investigated the world around them in a search for sounds!

In Kindergarten, we focussed on two specific strategies this week for improving our work. First, we discussed the importance of revision and how powerful the opportunity to strengthen our work is, even when we think we are done. Second, we continued to develop our sharing skills by learning how to "turn and share" with a partner or small group of peers. This is a critical skill as we often receive ideas and feedback on our work from our peers in the classroom. Learning to engage productively with one another about our thinking and how we might move our work forward is something we will continue to work on throughout the year.

Learning through play 

Important Dates Coming Up:

-November 8th - Non-Instructional Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 11th - Remembrance Day (No School K-Gr 3)
-November 15th - AM Students Attend
-November 21st & 22nd - Student-Centred Conferences (NO School)
-November 29th - PM Students Attend